Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to Paint an Emblem: Step 5

Now that the base coat has dried, it is time to apply the clear. Once again you will want to use the tac rag to make sure every particle of dust is off of the surface before clear is applied. When you are happy with how it looks, go ahead and apply your clear coat. Apply the first coat evenly, being careful not to get any runs in the clear.

The best thing at this point is patience. You need to give the first coat of clear enough time to setup before applying the second coat. The can will usually have instructions on how long to wait. If not on the can then you can contact the manufacturer or the automotive paint store and someone there should be able to help you.

Depending on the temperature and humidity it may be 5-15 minutes before its ready for a second coat. A good way to know when its ready is to touch the clear with your finger (not on the finished surface but somewhere on the tape). When you pull your finger away from the clear it should be stringy and stick to your finger a little. If it is not sticky and you cannot create the stringy effect, it is not ready for a second coat.

I recommend letting the emblems dry 24 hours before touching them and trying to put them on the car. It is important to know that even if it feels dry to the touch it could still be soft underneath. At this point if you hold it with your finger you might leave a permanent mark. Letting everything dry and cure before handling will be better than trying to rush to get it done and risk having to do it all over because of a finger print.

And here is the finished product on the car! This sets the car apart from a stock Camaro and gives it a much sportier look. Job well done!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How to Paint an Emblem: Step 4

Almost ready to paint!!! It is a good idea to use a tac rag when painting. You will want to wipe the surface down between basecoat and before clearcoat.

Bulldog is a product that helps paint stick to plastic. Spray on a very light coat after the emblem is clean and dry before applying paint.

You are now ready to spray the color coat (also known as your base coat). This particular blue is quite transparent. It is important to get good coverage with the paint because the original gold may show through. It would be a good idea to start with a color that has better coverage such as white or grey and then apply the transparent color. Either way, keep an eye on how the base looks before you clear.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to Paint an Emblem: Step 3

Use compressed air to blow the dust out of the crevices between the gold and the chrome part of the emblem. This is another area where you need to be careful with the tape.

Now that all of the loose dust is off the emblem, use a degreaser to wipe off those greasy finger prints. (It is a good idea to wash your hands throughly before getting anywhere near paint or anything that paint is going on)
Give an automotive paint grade paper towel a good spray with degreaser then carefully wipe the surface of the emblem. Again be very careful not to mess with the tape. Its really easy to wipe the tape off with the towel.